In yet another nail in Reddit's coffin for me I mentioned my father being a police officer and how I worry that some criminal jackass would shoot him just get away from arrest, that my mother, sister, and myself would be left without him because a coward didn't want to face the consequences of his actions. I was downvoted into oblivion and had people respond with things along the lines of "They abuse their power all the time, fuck them" and one even messaged me personally saying "I would gladly shoot your dad" so its clear their non-critical thinking skills are well tuned. Also probably says something about their age demographic and thus maturity level...
So my question to hubski is, "How do you view the police, especially in relation to your everyday life?" Do you feel they are all power abuser on an ego-trip? Some? Only a few? Do you feel like the police legitimately want to protect you or do you feel they only look at you for what they can arrest you for? Do you trust them? And most importantly of all, why do you feel the way you do?
It's funny, when I was a young man I would have likely been distrustful of police. This is because I was likely up to no good at times. Now as an adult, when I see a police officer I feel reassured. I know that my family and I are likely to be safer because they're around.
To abuse power is not something unique to police officers, humans in all walks of life abuse power. When someone is given power whether it be a manager at a McDonald's, a Wall Street mogul, or a police officer there are always temptations and potential rewards that lend cause to abuse this power.
Human beings are imperfect, some of us are racist, some of us are sexist, and some of us are just plain foul. Police officers are humans, and as such they can be horrible, they can be wonderful, they can be somewhere in between. That's how I see police, as people. At nighttime, when I am walking down the street in a city I'm unfamiliar with, I always feel better seeing a police officer.
I wish your father the best, I wish your family the best and I would thank him for his service to this community if I were to meet him. But that's just me.
I'm trustful and thankful for police. I have a family member and a long time friend on the local police force, and it's a big urban city. The things they have to deal with are something I and many others wouldn't want to deal with, and in this particular city, their life is very much on the line with every shift they work. 4 people on their police force were shot and killed by thugs just last year. I'm respectful of police.
Sure, some of them are bad apples, but people being assholes and abusing power isn't something unique to the police force. Reddit just has a very large problem with authority in general, and that was one thing that made me leave there as well. Whether it's rich people, cops, CEOs, moderators, admins, etc. It doesn't matter, if they are in power, they are probably a "douchebag evil asshole" for trying to do their job. Reddit is all about the little people, because that community is filled with nothing but high school and college kids from middle class and up backgrounds. They have to find injustice in their lives to feel special and important, because there isn't anything they can legitimately complain about.
Those people can bitch and moan all they want. But they'll be the ones whining the police "didn't do enough" when THEY need them. It's just unchecked self entitlement and problems with authority.
I will naturally trust a police officer unless they give me reason not to. Generally, I think the Police do a good job. However, I am a white male in an affluent area of the UK. I have been brought up in a peaceful era and I rarely put myself in situations where I am likely to be in conflict with the police - occasional protest or drunken night but nothing more.