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comment by lelandbatey
lelandbatey  ·  4138 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Stupid is Winning: We are in the final years of our internet

Wow, what you've linked to is really a great read. As you said:

    It illuminated a lot of the misgivings I had about UI and ergonomics that I hadn't been able to put into words.

I think my random add-in about neural-computer interfaces was pretty much a non-sequitur, since I also realize that they are so far in the future as to be pretty irrelevant to the present.

kleinbl00  ·  4138 days ago  ·  link  ·  

We can always dream. Thing is, there has been a lot of progress lately that would lead one to believe we're getting closer. The issue is that when you learn more about it you have to recognize that even if you walk a few steps towards the South Pole every day you're still not going to get there any time soon.