here you go.
Ah, that link seems to discuss "active camouflage" where a camera or series of cameras capture input, which is used to create the appropriate imitation appearance.
However, the one in syncretics post says that it works without cameras or batteries; that it is a passive system.
If this is true, then it's amazing! However, I'm finding very few details on that particular companies claim.
In the company page, they say that for reasons of security,they can't give out much information not much information only applications for it.
Thank you for going the extra mile to get us our answer! It's to bad we don't get to learn more about it :(
"Reasons of Security" meaning that they need to keep Hogwarts a secret.
This actually is mind-boggling technology though. I wonder if it's solar powered? It must be doing something with photons anyways, surely someone thought of powering the tech with them?