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comment by speeding_snail
speeding_snail  ·  4452 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: What is your new years resolution for 2013?

I usually don't do new years resolutions, but why not:

1. Finish my bachelors degree, start with the masters 2. Train myself to do 5 pull ups and chin ups at the very least 3. After the pull ups and chin ups, continue with muscle ups 4. Start with parkour 5. Read a book a month 6. Use the internet for recreation 2 hours a day maximum

Might be much, but 2,3,and 4 are pretty much one and I am already busy making that a reality.

rainbow_boa  ·  4450 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Great list! I still have to make my resolutions. Thanks thenewgreen for the mention! speeding_snail , I would say number 4 is the easiest on the list! XD Honestly, Parkour is the easiest discipline in the world to begin training. All you need is some tennis shoes, a desire to learn, and some common sense. www.APK.com has some good tips for starting out.

Your pull ups, chin ups and muscle ups should help you out a lot in parkour! Best of luck friend!

speeding_snail  ·  4450 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'll check the site out. I've been reading up on some parkour related stuff and stumbled upon the blog of Chris Rowat and I must say, I like the mindset of challenging your limits, both physical and mental.

Anyway, thanks for the support and tips. Mind if I contact you for tips and to share experiences?

rainbow_boa  ·  4450 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Great stuff! Yes, the fact that the only person you compete against in parkour is yourself, both mentally and physically, is a fantastic thing. It also makes for awesome collaborative communities, so its definitely worth checking out whether there are training groups near you.

Yea, by all means! I would love to help in any way I can.

thenewgreen  ·  4450 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Check out Top Tips for becoming a Parkour Girl -I'm sure it can be of help to guys too. rainbow_boa might be able to give you some pointers. This is a admirable list, I think you can definitely accomplish it. Good luck, just make sure Hubski gets a few minutes of those 2 hours.

What's the first book?

speeding_snail  ·  4450 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I read the article. It was one of those things that made me want to do parkour. I'll make sure to reread it. Hubski is and will be getting most of the time I spend on the internet for recreational use :P

The book I will probably be reading will be from the Wheel of Time series or maybe Jules Verne's "A journey to the center of the earth". That, or I'll be rereading Dune. It is not that I dislike reading. On the contrary, I really like reading, but I just don't seem to get to it...

thenewgreen  ·  4429 days ago  ·  link  ·  

How you doing with the chin-ups and the parkour?

speeding_snail  ·  4429 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Currently I'm having finals, so all my physical training is laying low. Next week I'm getting back to really training.

I almost did one chin-up last week, but I couldn't complete it unfortunately. The parkour is yet to get started (I didn't get it to fit in with learning for my finals). Training starts next week Thursday.

Thanks for asking. :-)

How are your resolutions coming?

thenewgreen  ·  4428 days ago  ·  link  ·  

good luck! Mine are not going well at all. I've actually gotten worse with my running instead of better. I could blame the weather or work but the truth is I've not made the time. I signed up for a 10 mile race in March which essentially gives me all of Feb to train.

I've not been good about food either. I will change that immediately. Once I'm running a lot, it's hard to eat bad food. -I feel more guilty.

I've been a better husband but it's funny how running and diet even impact that.

Thanks for asking.

speeding_snail  ·  4424 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Small things have a bigger impact than you would expect. For example, start drinking water instead of soda and you will feel a lot better after a while. Minor change, big effect.

I really admire your new years resolution to be a better dad. Keep it up and be the most awesome dad you can be. Your little one will love you for it :-)

thenewgreen  ·  4424 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thanks, I don't drink any soda though. My big problem is food. I tend to grab a quick bite to eat too often which means slices of pizza, burgers et cetera. I need to get back into a healthier diet. But that doesn't include quitting soda, because I really never drink it. -horrible stuff IMO. Beer though....

I was reivigorated by this video to begin a more strident running regiment.

speeding_snail  ·  4424 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Ah, junk food. It's just too damn tasty (and available everywhere around here). Beer is a social drink for me, so I don't drink it too often, even though I live in the Netherlands :P

I loved the video. Also, TNGpodcast is on my follow list :P Good luck with the diet and the running.

thenewgreen  ·  4424 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thanks! Would you ever be interested in participating in a podcast? You've been on Hubski a while, it'd be nice to have you on board.

speeding_snail  ·  4424 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Sure, I would love to help. Just give me a holler.

thenewgreen  ·  4424 days ago  ·  link  ·  

will do.