3 novels?? Wow! Good luck with that, "if you will it, there is no dream". You should post your daily poems here too, that way I can resolve to read a poem a day :)
Yeah, two are done, just need to be reread and edited a bit, and then readied for the Real World. One is in progress, but I should finish it in January. So, if I can get my hand moving, and my brain moving, and my will to let them loose, it shall be done. Trickier than it sounds. Or perhaps not. I will start a poem thread tomorrow!
Hey littlebirdie, how are you doing? I'm not sure if you'll receive this, but if you do please know that I'm wishing you well! How are things going with your resolutions for 2013? Your goals were lofty ones, a poem a day and to publish three novels. -That's a tall order :) Hope you are well my friend!