I love TF2. Just think of all those sexy sexy hats. I have 1000+ hours, and I've only had the game for a few months. I highly recommend getting premium. It's an entirely different game. Don't ever craft weapons, you can usually trade someone 1 srap metal for whatever you're looking for. In fact, I can do this for you. Here is my steam account if you want to add me as your friend: http://steamcommunity.com/id/captainenchilada/
Other things I enjoy are Minecraft (Alpha was the best version without stupid items like fireworks/potatoes) in singleplayer, or on servers without 12 year olds spamming the chat. I also like Far Cry 3, and anything Nintendo from before 2005-ish.
What's the difference between the free version and the premium version? o_O I would definitely add you if I knew how xD I'm trying to get the hang of Steam, not really much of a PC gamer, XBOX all the way <3 Can't get enoough of Halo.