I'm a peskitarian. Vegitarians and meat eaters admonish me for going half way along with the usual meat-eaters trying to feed me meat. It's mostly political for me. When I became peskitarian, it was much harder to get kosher meat and so I decided to just eat wild caught salmon. I am uncomfortable with, but accept killing. It's part of nature. But my father has covered heavy abuse in commercial slaughterhouses and I do not want to support the corporations that make that possible with abusive regulation.
I'm a peskitarian as well and I get loads of heat from everyone, because if there's one thing people hate it's inconsistency. "You don't eat that animal but you do eat that animal, you hypocrite!"
My reasoning is simply that I don't go all the way with vegetarianism, and to make it easier for my friends and family to cook whenever I'm over for dinner. I almost never buy fish myself, but I eat it if someone puts it on a plate in front of me.
That's probably the first reasonable reason I've heard for a person to go peskitarian. Good for you.