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Hubski markup Text surrounded by asterisks (*) is italicized, if the character after the first asterisk isn't whitespace. Text surrounded by plus signs (+) is bolded, if the character after the first plus sign isn't whitespace. Text surrounded by vertical bars (|) is quoted, if the character after the first bar isn't whitespace. A user's name surrounded by at signs (@) links to their hub, and the user is notified that you mentioned them. A word surrounded by hash signs (#) becomes a tag and links to posts with that tag. Blank lines separate paragraphs. Text after a blank line that is indented by two or more spaces is reproduced verbatim in a different font. URLs become links. Text can link to URLs by using the following format: linked text Image URLs (.png, .tif, and .jpg) will embed automatically.
Ok I got confused after I posted it and thought I had replied to the wrong post or something. I think I deleted it but I tried to undelete but I am not sure if it worked or not because I can see it but it still says deleted. Maybe someone can explain. Edit: Nevermind I think I got it now.