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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  227 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Taking a weight-loss drug reduced a craving for opioids

To the contrary, I started taking semaglutide (generic Ozempic) because a doctor friend of my wife's commented online about how much success she was having treating depression and mood disorders with it. I've been on it four? months now? And I gotta say it takes the edge off. More than that, I've lost like fucking zero weight which, combined with everything else, made me start to go "hmmm I dunno maybe the fact that the miracle weight loss drug is doing nothing should draw my attention to how much thinner I am than nearly all of my contemporaries and how pleased doctors are to see me despite my constantly bemoaning my health."

I wanna call it weird shit but it's not. All it does is mess with your sense of hunger - in my case, a lot. I think for people who just straight gorge themselves it keeps them from gorging themselves. For me? It's basically antabuse for food. And like everything else. I've probably had three shots of alcohol in four months and I basically can't eat pizza anymore without regretting it hours later. Like, I can't handle fat or grease most of the time. Fried foods are pretty much straight out.

The real drag is that it basically makes hunger and nausea feel about the same so you're at "I kinda feel like I'm coming down with the stomach flu, I should probably have a handful of granola." When I was coming down with stomach flu I tried to blame it on the semaglutide and spent some time on forums seeing if I was right; you look at most of the True Believers and they are putting up with GNARLY symptoms and cheering each other on. Shit like "yeah I now take GasX and pepto three times a day it's great!"

The Reuters "study" is Reuters going through an adverse data database and finding 265 cases in fourteen years - if vaccines had side effects incidence that low the Wakefield zombies would never have risen from the grave. They have zero controls and don't report how many negatives they find. The Nature study has an n of 1.6 million.