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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  1176 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Boys Who Wear Shorts All Winter

As someone who has seen any number of incredulous comments and stares leveled at girls wearing miniskirts and boots in subzero weather, there's definitely a need among the hoi polloi to rag on everyone's fashion, no matter what that fashion (or lack of fashion) may be. Take pockets: women bitch that they don't get enough, then bitch at men when they have too many. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Fashion Principle: the ideal number of pockets is n plus or minus some number that as soon as it has been expressed will be either too many or two few, the error unknown until n has been expressed.

My parents never gave the first fuck what I wore, other than making me feel bad for needing new clothing when I outgrew it. So it sure wasn't rebellion for me; I basically switched from jeans and boots to cutoffs and Tevas and vice versa at Memorial Day/Labor Day because then people leave you the fuck alone.