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comment by goobster
goobster  ·  1356 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 19, 2020

I bought the wrong tires for my wife's car. I work for a subsidiary of Continental, so I get tires at a discount. I went onto the employee portal, selected my make/model/year, bought the tires, they arrived, and I brought the car to the dealership to have them installed. (Because we like the dealership, they are straight shooters, and I had to show them that their tech that did a full inspection of my wife's car a month ago completely missed the oddball tire wear on the rear tires that shows the rear end's camber is completely out. It's good to be a long-term customer and catch the service tech's being sloppy... the dealership will bend over backwards to make sure you are VERY happy for a very long time.)

Got 18" tires, which definitely did not fit my wife's 17" wheels.

So I ordered the RIGHT sized tires - arriving today - and UPS will be here tomorrow to pick up the old tires and take them back to the warehouse.

But I got a discount on the tires because employee discount... so i have to pay the shipping to return the wrong tires... which might have been an error in their automatic online configurator, and not my mistake... but I'm also getting a $100 Visa gift card for ordering a full set of 4 tires.

Now I'm getting a second $100 Visa card because I just ordered the right set, rather than doing a whole return-and-replace dance.

So I saved about $200 on the first set, and about $150 on the second set, but I'm paying $180 to ship the first set back, but I'm getting two $100 Visa gift cards for my two orders... and then paying $150 to get them installed at the dealership, which - if they'd caught the alignment problem last year when my wife bought her car - we wouldn't have to be replacing the tires anyway, because they'd still have plenty of life in them, but the off-camber made the inside edge the tire wear out faster, so it's almost bald...

... and my wife is REALLY sensitive to chemical smells, and now her car smells like the inside of a tire shop ... so we left the windows open all night last night, and now the spiders have moved in and made webs ALL OVER the inside of the car, because it's TOTALLY INSANE SPIDER SEASON in Seattle right now...

And it's all good. Water off a duck's back, as they say.

In other news, I don't think the shit-hot tech company wants me. It's been a week, and they haven't contacted me yet. So despite the internal referral, I don't think I'm gonna be hearing from them soon.

And I'm organizing some MLR rugby fan club partnerships tonight in a Zoom call with one of the leagues' newest teams, despite the fact that I think there will be no North American rugby in 2021, and that will probably be the nail in the coffin of the fledgling Major League Rugby league, which looked oh so promising when it started up its third season in February of this year....


steve  ·  1356 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    the fact that I think there will be no North American rugby in 2021

there are many sad things about the damned COVID... but this is near the top of the list for me

goobster  ·  1355 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I keep trying to think what conditions would make me comfortable returning to a sporting event... and I don't even have a framework for what that would look like, right now. sigh