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comment by cgod
cgod  ·  1416 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Voting Age

One other reason I like it is I think for many people eighteen is about the worst time you could try and wrangle people into participating in the electoral process. So many things in life are in flux at that age, who has time to go to the polls for the first time. Personally I was trying to get any girls attention, playing in bands, working full time, just starting and failing out of college, getting high a lot, going to the bar all the time. I had no bandwidth for something like a local election.

I think if I had been somewhat forced to participate in High School I might have engaged in politics more readily. I would have been a total asshole but I think I would have been made more aware of political life.

Because what's going on in the streets right now, engaging in political life might happen a little more readily for this generation but give it four years and the youth will probably be the youth again.