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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  1471 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: April 29, 2020

The shite property manager continues to haunt from beyond the grave.

Some time in 2012 we were billed $1800 for a new washer and dryer and like $1000 for "repair." the washer has a press-in main bearing which means replacing it is about $600 or, a $250 part shipped for $100 plus about six hours of work. It currently sounds like an MD-80 on approach; I've already fixed its pump twice so it can fuck off. New appliances were supposed to be delivered today.

Except of course I put the stacking kit in the shopping cart of the computer I didn't order from but that's okay because my washer had been destroyed by a forklift anyway so they have to come back regardless. It took 45 minutes on the phone to sort that out but hopefully everything will be copacetic by Saturday. Which gives me two and a half days to deal with the fact that I was charged $1000 for someone to come through with a zip saw to take out wet drywall and then cover the hole with cardboard and masking tape.

Some quality work behind the shelving.


In February we employed two midwifery students and a naturopathic student as our rotating "receptionist." All three of them are now graduated and one of them is moving onto another site so that we can do something to cover the county's predilection of not having babies in hospitals. Means we've been hiring. Or trying to. I probably get 30 applications a day on Indeed, maybe 50% of them from out of state. We're asking for a year's worth of experience as a medical receptionist and I'm getting baggage handlers from Nevada because of the "work search" requirement of unemployment. Even then we're at approximately 50% no-shows on our interviews, which are Zoom by the way. It's fucking amazing. We're paying 20% over going rate.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders just sent me an email for some reason. I'll bet it's personalized!

I am not feeling charitable.