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comment by am_Unition
am_Unition  ·  1615 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Gordon Sondland Is a Smug Plutocrat Who Was OK With All of It Until He Wasn't

First of all, you can shelve my flood of impeachment crap for another day. There won't be many more days as momentous as today, in all likelihood.

I have suspended my opinion of Sondland. He is perhaps entirely a useful idiot, hi-jacked by his superiors. Watching the entirety of this is worth it:

He seems like a genuinely likeable guy. Certainly came across as pompous to some, but it could be the demeanor of someone who just realized they got played, and bigtime. Then again, sympathizing with billionaires is not really a favorite past time of mine.

Anyway, Sondland's also the subject of the funniest thing I've seen over the last few days:

Nope, not that, but that's where it begins. It ended today, four minutes into a Republican congressman's monologue, which culminated in him demonstrating that he did not understand the slang, clearly thinking that the emphasis was "loves your ASS" instead of "LOVES your ass" (edit: you'll have to fast forward on the embedded 'Tube link, Hubski doesn't embed the timestamps):

This guy, Michael Turner (R), is actually walking around thinking that Zelensky is now being held to account for making comments on Trump's buttocks. There's a 0% chance that Zelensky and Ukraine in general haven't already been given the correct slang translation. C'mon, that's some bright silver lining. Until tomorrow, at least, when I re-face reality, which involves Turner's transparent attempt to attack a witness instead of admitting that Mr. Holmes's specific recall and Sondland's corroboration are two pieces of incredibly solid evidence implicating Trump 100% directly in a huge chunk of everything.