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comment by tacocat
tacocat  ·  1817 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Life Is Inevitable

I believe the rare earth hypothesis much more than more optimistic proposals like the Drake equation


Lots of mostly creationist loonies use similar arguments but often with a lot of bad science. They call it the finely tuned universe or something and use it as an argument for the God of Abraham. They then throw out stuff like if the earth were ten feet further from the sun we'd all freeze. I had to watch one of these videos in sober living because drug treatment is virtually in distinguishable from Christianity. I kinda lost my shit when we got to discussing the video.

I would guess that life is fairly abundant. But complex life is not and intelligent life is exceedingly rare. Earth is in the Goldilocks Zone, has a large stabilizing moon, has a core that provides a magnetic field, has liquid water, has a thick atmosphere because of the magnetic field, has plate tectonics and has large planets further out in the solar system that absorb a lot of asteroids and comets. I don't even think that's all we got going for us towards multicellular life. All that said there is still probably a few planets somewhere that fit enough of the earth-like condition to produce life similar to our own.

Apropos of nothing UFOs are interdimensional beings who don't abide by the same rules of physics as we do. Dont @ me.