I think the last Final Fantasy I bought was X. The more I see come out the less I think I'm missing out on.
Took me like 50 hours playtime as a kid to beat Final Fantasty VII (5 hours on 3-phase Hojo, that fuck) and it remains one of my fondest gaming memories, now if I were to put that many hours into a game it's probably because I'm grinding just to play the fucking game.
Notable current exceptions are Stardew Valley and Breath of the Wild.
Yeah, once again Nintendo seems to have created a video game ecosystem for people who don't want to surrender their lives.
I dunno. I guess the fact that there aren't any console games that don't end up dominated by Tryhards indicates that the console sphere belongs to the Tryhards. I thought they lived in the PC ecosystem but I mean
...that's a guy who brought his PS4, his shitty monitor and his generic-ass Sunny D to the goddamn library on a Monday afternoon.