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comment by KapteinB
KapteinB  ·  2202 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A major climate report will slam the door on wishful thinking

Sometimes I wonder i we could have saved ourselves if we hadn't ignored the Kyoto Protocol. Where would we be today, if a thousand more Floridians had voted Gore, and Bush jr. hadn't had the chance to refuse ratifying the Protocol? Most likely even that would have been too little too late, even if the ratifiers had actually committed to their promises. (I'm ashamed to say my own Norwegian government, which did indeed ratify, completely ignored their own promises, and we're currently nowhere near fulfilling our goals. And there are no real consequences to that. Well, other than the potential extinction of our species due to out of control climate change of course.)

Personally I think this report is just more proof that it's time we start taking direct control of our climate through climate engineering. Of the proposed methods I'm leaning towards a planetary sunshade. All the amazing progress we've seen in rocket technology over the last decade couldn't have come at a better time.

krmatthews  ·  2185 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Hey do you think that China's plan to launch artificial moon on space can act as planetary sunshade? Maybe this could be the purpose of it, rather than them wasting funds on this artificial moon because it will look pretty and Instagram worthy. Maybe this artificial moon will have a positive effect and will protect us from global warming getting worse.

KapteinB  ·  2185 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Their goal seems to be the opposite; to reflect sunlight onto the night-side of the planet. It's probably too small to make much of an impact on the climate though.

krmatthews  ·  2182 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Perhaps, and I hope that this is really not that big because then what about the nocturnal animals? If this is going to be seen in the whole world then it might affect them in the long run.