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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  2054 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What’s your closeted bougie preference?

I get it. I wanted to provoke the rumination because I hit a point about a year and a half back where I went "you know what - fuck that shame" about everything and it was goddamn liberating. I think it's that switch you flip when you decide that nobody is going to give you shit about wearing birkenstocks with socks anymore. It was when I picked up my daughter in a Porsche convertible wearing vintage '90s Gargoyles sunglasses, cargo shorts and a Front 242 t-shirt and felt every goddamn eye at the school judging me. I realized I was clearly full "weekend dad" and probably a divorcee going through a midlife crisis and that I was being called to account for fucking enjoying myself rather than working 90 hours a week for The Man so I could make payments on the Prius. Because, after all, my kid's on scholarship and oughtn't I have some decorum?

Fuck to the no. No decorum. Cargo shorts & convertibles.

Happiness is sitting in First Class wearing a Killing Joke hoodie.