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comment by kleinbl00

Eyes on the prize, though: the 6-month over-under on Tesla stock is $371 on June 18 and $252 on April 2. 3% isn't even that sporty a day for the stock. The market regularly punishes Tesla for less, and awards it for no real reason at all.

Hauling out Gene Munster to comment on the stock? Makes sense. Digging up Howard Dean?

    The comments attracted widespread criticism on Monday, including from former Vermont governor and Democratic presidential nominee Howard Dean, who tweeted, “If the CEO loses it, the company is not worth anything.

When has anyone ever given a shit what Howard Dean thinks of stocks?

user-inactivated  ·  2101 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Isn't the author of this article one of the guys who has had a hard-on for shorting Tesla? Could not find the source I was thinking of last night that had a list of "journalists" on the "short Tesla" bandwagon.

kleinbl00  ·  2101 days ago  ·  link  ·  

More than 1 in 4 shares of Tesla are short. TTAC has had a Tesla Deathwatch tag for ten years or more. Although it experiences a lot of cult love, it is a much-hated company.

It says something that I, a car nut who has spent thousands of hours building electric cars, hate the shit out of Tesla.