I agreed up until your example. doesn't necessarily follow from Very simply: I have no problem with that. MK's comment is worth reading-- it's funny! In the same way, flac's Pubski comment about being engaged is worth reading, not because it's "super seriously intellectual valuable content that stands on its own," but because in the context of the site, where a lot of us care about flac, we want to say to other users, "hey! Check it out, flac got engaged!" So of course his comment has a full hubwheel and a couple badges.Something that stands on its own, and is a valuable post in and of itself
"HEY EVERYONE! This is something everyone should read!!"
MK's comment is funny, so 5 people clicked the hubwheel. Which means that now "pics or it didn't happen" is classified as a "comment that's worth reading" on hubski.