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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  2433 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Crypto isn’t a bubble. Fiat money is worthless.

    Is there any way to estimate the value of future distributed click time?

I think there are lots of ways, but I don't know of any reliable ways that I put any faith in. My personal belief is that the financial system of the world doesn't have a model or an analog for what cryptocurrency means to exchange, and I personally believe that 2nd-order cryptocurrencies like Ethereum mean a lot more than exchange.

There are serious unknowns between now and some future cryptocurrency-based economy. What effects will the encouragement or discouragement of central banks and businesses have on the adoption of a distributed currency? What effects will the problems of amateur-hour exchanges and ICOs have on public adoption? My guess - and it is an educated guess but it's still a guess - is that the utility of cryptocurrency will outrun any regulatory or social setbacks. But then, the utility of torrenting smashed the shit out of music sales and was dominant until the utility of streaming via Spotify or whatever denigrated torrenting to corner-case nerds.

The more I study economics and finance, the more examples I see of speculation, the fewer examples I see of inherent value. I believe that Ethereum has inherent value, albeit I can't begin to put a number to it. I don't believe that Bitcoin has inherent value but I don't really believe gold has as much inherent value as it currently costs.

It's puka shells all the way down, really.