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comment by tacocat
tacocat  ·  2437 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 'Boomers don't have a monopoly on self-righteous Millennial hate

I might try to seem as though I want to be a snowflake but I'm not doing that. The writer just made a few assumptions that caused me to switch tabs and maybe offer real time commentary.

I was born in 1983. Generations are ill defined in general but I was born in a year that doesn't seem to neatly fit into any idea of where one generation ends and the next begins. So that makes me feel like I want to be recognized for a unique experience. Unique to everyone born in that year or in a year near it...

I remember rotary phones. I know what a modem dialing into AOL sounds like. I know what exactly a modem is which is maybe not so common knowledge when it seems to have become the internet thing you get from the cable company. And I even remember when it used to be something like that and that building a 56k into a machine and that that became expected was a big deal. I imagine I've made my point.

    it’s Generation X that will be called the greatest.

Well that's just arrogant in a way I can't help but notice basically because I've talked to old people who helped stem fascism and I notice the level of humility they seem to have about an abject act of heroism.

The article is more careful in its consideration than I expected so Imma shut up on the commentary. But when you try to compare anything personal it can create a pissing match that helps no one. I'm pretty sure I hate my girlfriend's ex husband. For legitimate reasons. But I shouldn't discount his opinion and it's a thing I take into account no matter the difficulty on my end. If I seek a specific reaction to what is maybe an uncommon distinction about why I hate a douche bag and why I'm entitled to do so and why he is objectively a bad guy, then I will have to defend that feeling using a lot of anecdotes and things that are not worth explaining even if I feel passionate about my position. It's not worth it. Subjectivity is fucking frightening to people but it's accostemed to me.

Even the shittiest generation of Germans was not without redeeming qualities that are lost when you try to rank life by a rubric that may not even seem harsh. No one is better than anyone else. Everyone is just different in ways that can be hard to se .

I'm about to quit this but trying to compare any human experience and it's relative importance to different people is a bad fucking idea. If I don't know where I'm going to sleep one night that is personally important and may seem obviously so, but it could be the equivalent of a stubbed toe to a person with wildly different life experience and priorities. And that's OK