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comment by zebra2
zebra2  ·  2752 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Sci-Fi club no. 29: Cowboy Bebop

Ooh, let us know how it goes. Have either of you seen it previously?

Dala  ·  2751 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I have it on DVD but I have a famously short memory for things I have watched, so...

rd thought I was talking about Trigun when I asked him if he wanted to watch with me. So now we are watching Trigun, lol.

I love the aesthetic of this series, the way that it shows the dirt and grime and graffiti underneath the bright shiny future. I like that people in the series talk about living on Mars as though it's wide open and spacious but when they show it, life is confined to a crater. (Maybe more than one, but still.)

user-inactivated  ·  2752 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah. We watched this and Trigun when we first started dating. I remember not being able to afford the place I was living at the time, due to money problems, so we sat in the middle of an empty living room watching cartoons on a cheap laptop with speakers so weak, the subtitles would have been necessary even if the cartoon wasn't in Japanese. We got all the way through Trigun, but I remember not liking the ending. I think we got about ten episodes into Cowboy before I kind of got bored with it. Both shows were fucking weird in their own ways.

Just finished Episode 1. Got a bit of a John Woo feel from it for some reason. Starting Episode 2 now.