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comment by bioemerl
bioemerl  ·  2637 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Does Poor Understanding of Physical World Predict Religious and Paranormal Beliefs?

This claim of stereotyping is not a valid one without some form of backing for the idea of why it is, in fact, stereotyping. I can claim that men in general are going to be stupid, and you can show statistics to me about how a very good number of men are quite intelligent to prove me wrong. That is an example of an incorrect stereotype that I was using.

I didn't ask you to justify your faith. I just want a logical and reasoned point of view that a religious person might have, which I did not consider, that would be the basis in why my views are false stereotypes rather than relatively accurate judgement of a large group.

The only thing I can think of that I didn't mention in any capacity is the "Absolute and unquestionable knowledge that a higher power exist when looking onto the world" that I spent quite some time looking for through middle and high-school. That reason is little more than saying "I believe this for no reason other than I feel it is true." which isn't a reason at all, cannot be debated or discussed, and is generally useless in the context of the post I had just made.

I wasn't describing you, I was describing religious people in general and how I, as an atheist, and others, should go about treating their religious beliefs in order to best undermine them by way of first understanding them. I quite well think that the post I made is a lot more positive and cooperative than the impressions given in the article, or the idea that religious people are just stupid and don't understand the physical world.

If you have something better or a proper and concrete reason for me being incorrect, I'm happy to hear it, but otherwise this whole conversation is a waste of time for the both of us.

johnnyFive  ·  2636 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    This claim of stereotyping is not a valid one

Then why did you yourself say that's what you were doing?

Again, your argument is basically "I haven't thought of any way that makes sense, so there isn't any." This is what I meant when I referred to your presumption that your life experience is all-encompassing. If you can't even acknowledge that there may be other ways of thinking (rather than pre-judging anything I could say), you're not really listening.

    I wasn't describing you, I was describing religious people in general and how I, as an atheist, and others, should go about treating their religious beliefs in order to best undermine them by way of first understanding them.

So...you were describing religious people "in general," I'm a religious person, but you weren't describing me? At least have the courage of your convictions, especially if you're presumptuous enough to have "undermining" religious beliefs as a goal. The sheer arrogance that it takes to both be so certain about the nature of the universe and to believe we all need to be saved by you is nothing short of incredible. I don't need your protection from myself, thanks.

bioemerl  ·  2635 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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