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JakobVirgil · 4599 days ago · link · · parent · post: In Search for Female Running Mate, a Shortlist for Romney
I thought it was a good article but a strange premise.
Romney has no real reason to choose a female running mate.
any women conservative enough to get base support would alienate the "strong woman voters" Sara Palin anyone?
Intrade (my oracle on political races) has Tim Pawlenty at 35% Rob Portman at 13% Marco Rubio at 8.2% Condoleezza Rice at 6.1% Bobby Jindal at 4.5% only one woman in that bunch. I personally like Condie but her association with Bush does her no favors with the moderate crowd. She is also mildly pro-choice and thinks "America was born with the birth defect of slavery" Although this hurts her with the conservative base [who for some reason still defend slavery] it may get Romney some swing votes. His base is already Flavor Aid drinking dolts they would vote for an admitted evil cyborg if Fox news told them to.
JakobVirgil · 4599 days ago · link ·
it is already a thing I had no idea.