This week's been wild. The gliding club is a subdivision of a fraternity, which means that they regularly have drinks at the fraternity. Even though I would never even consider joining a fraternity, I wanted to go so last Thursday I dressed up in the required jasje-dasje (blazer+tie) outfit and tried my best to fit in. If I did my hair in a preppy comb-over and if I was more arrogant, I'm pretty sure nobody would second-guess my presence there.
It was actually fun. Not just because they had an infinite supply of beer, but also because I got to watch freshman frat groups do stupid shit like fighting drunkenly over a table. The hangover was the only part that sucked. I always get super nauseous when I'm hungover and it's the worst.
I also managed to gather 7 of my high school friends together for pizza, which was a lot of fun. On Saturday I had the last gliding day of the season and got lucky with an almost 2-hour flight that I did all by myself except for the landing. It went great even though I only got 5 hours of sleep that night. My second date went well, although I won't see her for the next fortnight because we're both studying for exams.