County and city level elections are the only ones I'm willing to debate with family & friends from now until the 2018 primaries, but after that it's back to local stuff. Local & primaries have the best (positive potential):(anger caused) ratio in my opinion. I'm in Texas. I want Texas to be purple. The demographics have been trending this direction for years, and Trump has pushed it closerr. I think a swing state this big would pull the whole political arena toward the center. And I would like that, even if many don't. No matter what happens here the Donaldians will still love him. And I'm afraid that no matter what happens the Christian right will react by pulling the party even farther their direction. They are a hugely influential here. I don't want them to nominate Ted Cruz for anything. That's why primaries are important to me. I want a "fiscal semi-conservative" who is willing to compromise to get a centrist policy through. I also want a candidate to stand up and say "I'm Pro-Life, buy I have to admit we lost the Roe-V-Wade battle more than forty years ago. So I promise to FIX the best way to reduce abortions: sex-ed won't be 'Abstinence Only' anymore." But that won't happen in Texas any time soon. Damn the pathetic options we have. We nominated the two most hated candidates in polling history. I won't vote for Donald because I would rather have a secretive politician with flakey ethics, because she will at least try to leave a positive legacy for the county.