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comment by zebra2
zebra2  ·  2756 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: October 26, 2016

I'm rapidly approaching the point where I'd rather be unemployed than work at my current job. It's also not going too great, and seeing as I have a year long probation period, that could be reality soon whether I want it or not.

On the plus side Blood Music is up for #scificlub this coming Monday. I'm excited about that one, but it's hard to find the time between job apps and self loathing to read right now.

user-inactivated  ·  2756 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Take the job a day at a time bro. Save as much money as you can to build a cushion in case you let go, or heaven forbid, rage quit. In the mean time, job hunt. Send out at least one e-mail with your resume each day. It takes thirty minutes of your time and helps you feel hopeful. Take it from me though, 90 percent of your emails will go unanswered and some of the ones that do get answered will turn out to be jobs you don't want for one reason or another. Keep at it and keep your head up. :)

zebra2  ·  2756 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thanks man. I've been applying for a while now but I need to step it up. I'm actually looking into Lyft driving as an interim thing. That could make rage quitting too appealing though. This job has become so toxic to me though that I'm at a loss about what's best for me right now.