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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  2811 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: America, welcome to the war

My chief criticism is that the article is overstating the threat that Russia presents by insinuating that the actions of Russia are in some way new, novel, or unprecedented.

The shit Russia is pulling is the shit state actors have pulled on each other since Augustus Caesar. In this case, neither the technology nor the methods have changed. Yes - Russia has basically said that economic warfare and propaganda are fair game but that's basically just another way of pointing out that the Americans have been doing it forever, too.

I mean, here's a book wherein all the shit we're accusing Putin of doing to the US, the CIA was doing to the US. Everything old is new again. And granted - were I Estonian, I'd probably see an existential threat in Putin flexing into Crimea.

But I'm not.