Thanks, glad you dig it! I was listening for piano harmonies to add when I got the idea to just go nuts on my Sub Phatty (Moog synth) instead--thought it would give an interesting contrast to the acoustic vibe. I couldn't decide whether it sounded overdone or not, so I decided to just post it up.
I think it sounds cool. It may be a bit too up front in the mix, but other than that it's rad. You should totally use that Sub Phatty on more #hubskioriginalmusicclub songs. I went to Guitar Center (had a birthday gift cert) and it took all my self discipline not to buy the Moogs that were on sale there. Was an inch away from financing a new synth. #badidea Hope to hear you on more collaborative songs. I posted a new one tonight :)
Oh no doubt it needs to be lowered in the mix--I kind of just threw it on the track as a fire-and-forget type deal. I'll definitely check out tonight's collab and see if I can think of anything to add! And yeah, looking at Moogs with cash in your pocket is a dangerous proposition. I'm seriously debating whether I really need to replace my car or if I'd be more happy with a Model D reissue...