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comment by lil
lil  ·  3103 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: GET OFF LINE FOR BERNIE: Watch this to the end

It seems to both people outside of the US and those inside to be a very complicated process. The thing is this: you do not just vote for a president. The two main parties have to decide on a specific candidate. This is done by people voting in "primaries." Primaries are different in each state. In some states, like Washington, the vote is held in a caucus. People may want to vote but have no idea where their caucus actually is. That's why teams of canvassers went to the homes of known supporters and left them info on where to vote. Very complicated.

In some states the winner of the primary takes all the delegates of that state. In other states they send delegates to both candidates. Then there are super-delegates who can do wtf, I don't know.

Often when it gets to the actual CONVENTION to nominate a presidential candidate for that party, it has already been decided and everyone knows. This year might be different.

Anyone can correct me - I know very little. I'm in Canada.