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comment by oyster
oyster  ·  2994 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How have you lost weight?

Most important thing is diet for losing weight however getting into a routine with circuit training is awesome. My workout includes 2 circuits and each circuit contains 4 exercises that I do x number of times to complete one circuit. Basically I start with circuit one and I complete it as many times as I can in 7 minutes then I do the same with circuit 2. After that I do both again. It keeps things interesting because you switch up the exercises a lot.

Being a part of a "fit community" can be really helpful for motivation because you enable each other. I follow other people doing my workout as well as my hobby on Instagram because it keeps me motivated and reminds me of what I want to achieve. Also having a hobby that requires you to be in good shape helps too !