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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3076 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: December 2, 2015

'k. So let's say you need to put a tire squeal in your video. Here's the cheap way:

1) Open iTunes

2) Type in "tire squeal"

3) Demo sounds until you find the one you like

4) "reveal in Finder"

5) Switch to Pro Tools

6) Import Audio

7) Drill down to finder window

8) Import file into bin

9) Find file in bin

10) Drag it to where you want it to be

11) Trim to fit

12) Perform gajillions of audiosuite edits

Here's the Soundminer way:

1) Enter "tire squeal" into Soundminer

2) Fuck with the speed to get what you want, build a VST stack to process it the way you want, set in and out points

3) Switch to Pro Tools and highlight the slug you want on the track you want

4) Switch back to Soundminer and hit "S"