1. Did you know that recently we had a Hubski meetup in MI and I was able to meet steve for the first time and mike's daughter?
2. Did you know that I'm having an artist put together illustrations for a children's book I wrote? Did you know that nobody except ihya1324 ever shared it on Hubski? -Punks.
3. Did you know that mk thinks that Robots have Closed the Door to Human Space Travel?
4. Did you know that insomniasexx puts out a bi-weekly newsletter? It's rad.
5. Did you know that rob05c has one painting in his apartment and is quite the minimalist.
6. Did you know that forwardslash is married to an artist?
7. Did you know that lil met my dad and my sister?
8. Did you know that my brother married a Washington Redskins Cheerleader?
9. Did you know that my brothers wife has her MBA from Georgetown?
10. Did you know that an MBA from Georgetown costs more than $50k a year?
11. Did you know that Bill Cosby has an estimated 57 honorary degrees? -That's only two more than the amount of woman that have charged him with sexual assault.
12. Did you know that #11 pisses me off
13. Did you know that mk and I were on NPR's Michigan Radio?
14. Did you know that rob05c is rewriting the site? Did you know that once he's done, we have a LAUNDRY list of ideas for Hubski? Some of which are pretty bad-ass.
15. Did you know that Hubski has an IRC where we congregate? Recently forwardslash asked for a new function on Hubski via IRC and he got it:
16. Did you know that insomniasexx has some ideas for how the tool bar should look/function that I think are bad-ass? Don't worry, we're not talking columns -What a disaster that was.
17. Did you know that I don't like Kara Swischer?
18. Did you know that For the Very Rich, Citizenship is a Problem to be Solved?
19. Did you know that theadvancedapes is fun to have a beer with?
20. Did you know that kleinbl00 knows a thing or two about the internets and the communities within it?.
21. Did you know that you would do well to take an hour and dig through the badges of mk and the badges of kleinbl00. -Great content there.
22. Did you know that I'm planning on starting the #photochallenge back up on Thanksgiving, as well as #grubski?
23. Did you know that wasoxygen has a lovely bookshelf?
24. Did you know that cW is joining us the day after thanksgiving in NC?
25. Did you know that after listening to an episode of This American Life about a guy that kills his father and almost gets away with it, I wrote the below song. -did you know that it was only a decent song until jonaswildman added to it and made it a great song?
26. Did you know that we have a TON of talent on Hubski? Poets, writers, musicians, programmers, chefs, photographers, scientists,
27. Did you know that lelibertaire has been kicking ass with the Hubski Movie Club? Did you know we all recently watched Star Wars together? It's fun:
28. Did you know that 4 days ago bfv posted the 149th weekly share some music thread?
29. Did you know that BlackBird has two book shelves?
30. Did you know that I have a black t-shirt with the design that veen came up with on it? The other day I pointed to it and asked my daughter, "what is this?" She replied, "it's the Hubski table."
31. Did you know that I'm working on a startup that I hope will allow me to go full time on it and free-up some much needed Hubski time?
32. Did you know that I want you to live forever?
33. Did you know that you can buy Hubski swag here
34 Did you know that you can support Hubski financially by donating here.
35. Did you know that if you donate you get access to a new Hubski style? I've been using it and I have to say, if you're planning on donating to get access, you will be disappointed :)
36. Darkski or Springski -which should I switch to next?
37. Did you know that we have had two meet hubski posts? with elizabeth and briandmyers? Also, we will have another soon so be sure to follow MeetHubski
38. Did you know that we have had a bunch of hubski podcasts over the years? Did you know we put them to video? Check this post out:
39. Did you know that my plan is to become wealthy enough to fly all of you to a giant Hubski party someday? -Not kidding. This is something I think about.
40. Did you know that over the years there have been a number of Hubski users that have come and gone and that the ones I often think of are fr33lunch, minimum_wage, caio, alpha0 and lessismore -I hope you people are well. I wish min_wage would get this shout-out. She posted some good content.
41. Did you know that this song always puts me in a good mood:
Take care Hubski
yee welcome to the club :D
i love springski. i think it's very relaxing and makes me feel super positive when i come to hubski. everyone should switch to springski.
I actually agree. I like dark but it starts to feel a bit negative after a while. That said, spring is a bit too smurphy for me. I can only take both in small doses. My guess is that by Sunday I'll be on "Snow" or "Clean" again.
yikes. smurf as an adjective is not how i would have described it, but it's a fair point. i just really like the contrast of the orange wheel on the green screen
I didn't know some of these things, thanks! I have more old threads to read through.
Team Darkski!
thenewgreen I am doing well thank you very much for the well wishes. I am not nearly as active on Hubski as I would like to, but I do visit and lurk every now and then.
Looking forward to hearing all about your new venture in the coming weeks and months.
I wish you and your loved ones a happy and safe holiday season.
Very nice to hear from you! I'm glad you are well. Happy Holidays!
E: FYI, I think of you every time I see or hear about Jeremy Lin.