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comment by steve
steve  ·  3084 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: PSA: Testing share counts.


(edit: you don't really need to share this comment. I was unsuccessful at making a dumb joke earlier this morning)

mk  ·  3084 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oh no.

steve  ·  3084 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Now it's a competition and MY SHARE COUNT IS BIGGER THAN YOUR SHAre count... oh never mind.

Trying to be funny this early in the morning is never a good idea.

I like this. I think it adds some commentary around how much a comment is actually shared (after 8). I think it also attaches some accountability to what I share. I'm putting my name on it. I think it will make me consider more seriously the comments I "circle-dot-to-the-clockwise"(to use lil's terms).

Good experiment. It will be interesting to watch the reactions.