How would you feel about a dummy slider? One that let's people think they're in control of the car's behavior, but in fact does nothing?Setting aside that I don't think a car will ever have such a slider, giving people the option to set a slider from "selfish" to "Gandhi" doesn't seem like a great idea. Why would you give a user, ignorant of the actual algorithms used by an extremely complex device, control over something like that other than to make them feel better?
I understand Volkswagen has a job offer for you.
I have that on my motherboard. A slider from 'power-saving' to 'balanced' to 'performance'. I don't notice a damn difference. While that's not such a big deal for motherboards, it's downright insulting when it comes to ethical issues. So you're giving me an option that might influence whether I live or not, and you don't even take it into account?
That's part of the problem - that an engineering problem can be lifted to a philosophical issue. It doesn't really make sense. It's like paying your Uber driver more to kill others instead of sacrificing yourself. Theoretically that might be possible but the real world doesn't work that way.