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comment by AmateriaAge
AmateriaAge  ·  3367 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 5, 2015

I'm wrapping up the final week in my Research Position at my university for the summer, and it's been interesting. I thought I would like it a lot more better than I did, but my entire summer ended up being pretty boring.

My 21st birthday is this Friday. Back in the early spring, I had the option of accepting this research position or going to Colombia to perform with my University's marching band. I chose the research position, as a result I won't have anyone to celebrate my 21st with. That wouldn't be so bad, if I had enjoyed my position this summer in the slightest, as opposed to being bored like what ended up happening. I thought it would be better to build my experience and CV if I did the research instead of enjoying myself with the Band in Colombia, but now I'm really regretting that decision. Especially with the whole birthday thing, which would have happened during the Colombia Trip.

On the bright side, only two more days of this left. And Band camp starts in 10 days so that's a plus too.