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comment by ILikePizza555

I don't think it's misogyny. In fact, I rarely see sexist, racist, etc, stuff on Reddit. Maybe it's exaggerated, maybe it's what I'm subbed too, or maybe I just don't notice it.

But I digress. To me, this seems more of a case of pride. Lot's of people jumped on the let's hate Pao bandwagon. Now, as the truth comes out, everyone is too proud to admit that they were in the wrong, so of course, they'll try to find any way justify their actions.

illu45  ·  3206 days ago  ·  link  ·  

There's definitely a fair bit of misogyny on places like /r/Blackout2015. The whole thing is pretty funny if you forget that people have lost their jobs over it.

ILikePizza555  ·  3206 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Never even heard of that sub until now. Just checked it out and the top post is a petition to fire Ohanian.

But I don't doubt for a second that subs like that didn't make sexist or racist remarks about Pao when the hate train was going full speed. That's just the internet for you.