Article doesn't even mention anything in the Hubski title. Good try though.
I don't need to, becuase it's irrelevant. The article is about a man being stabbed who cares what his political beliefs were?
Sutherland got killed due to really bad luck. His political beliefs had nothing to do with his death.
- Spires, who had attended a private college in North Carolina but was no longer enrolled, was previously arrested most recently on Thursday when police said he accosted a man on Wisconsin Avenue in Friendship Heights and later kicked two officers as they tried to handcuff him. Police had forwarded to prosecutors charges that included felony robbery, but because nothing was taken from the man, the U.S. attorney’s office said there was insufficient evidence to support the charge. Prosecutors instead charged Spires with misdemeanor assault, and he was freed from custody Friday.
If you want to blame anybody, blame the law for not keeping this criminal behind bars. Spires had already committed a crime and was clearly a danger to others but since there wasn't enough evidence for a charge, he was let go. Had Spires been charged and kept in jail, then the poor soul that got killed would still be alive today.
Because I felt it's a more interesting title than "Horrified passengers witnessed brutal July 4 slaying aboard Metro car".
I mean, who cares about the fact that the passengers were horrified or that the slaying was brutal (what does a gentle slaying look like anyway?) or that it happened on July 4 in a metro car?
Honestly, would you have clicked on the article if I had kept the original title?
It's not supposed to elicit a specific emotional reaction. Some people might get angry, others might just find it ironic or sad.
- But then isn't that just clickbait that you've created?
I linked to a serious article about a real crime story, and the title is not misleading, so I don't think it qualifies as clickbait. Making interesting and informative titles is supposed to be one of the jobs of a journalist.
- I linked to a serious article about a real crime story, and the title is not misleading, so I don't think it qualifies as clickbait.
It doesn't diminish its clickbaitness, for it's not it not a quality of the situation described but of the name given to the situation. The clickbaitness may or may not be increased by the fact that the stated qualities of the stabbed man have nothing to do with the situation. Like Eliezer Yudkowsky said, "People go funny in the head when talking about politics".
Clickbait doesn't have to attract people for money purposes. You wanted people to click this topic and check it out, so you changed the title around to something more racy that has nothing do with the actual story at hand. Now are you trying to make money for The Washington Post? If not, this is clickbait for a non-monetary purpose.
- You wanted people to click this topic and check it out
Yeah? You don't post links so that people can check them out?
- you changed the title around to something more racy that has nothing do with the actual story at hand.
My title is more factual than the original one, how can you say that it's got nothing to do with the story?
- If not, this is clickbait for a non-monetary purpose.
I posted the link to wikipedia because it's obvious from reading its description that what I did can't be described as clickbait. You guys keep using words without knowing what they mean, shame on you.
How about, "Horrifying Train Attack on the Fourth leaves one man dead?"
It's also possible that a person that isn't black could have done the same exact thing to him. Also sometimes people attack so fast, there's no time to get your gun even if you had one. Imagine if someone surprised you with a stab to the throat or the head or shot you at point blank range, you could have the most powerful gun in your pocket but it will mean absolutely nothing if you're dead before you can reach it.
Wow. If he hadn't sat next to a black guy he wouldn't have been murdered? Maybe I should avoid sitting next to black people on the train to reduce my risk of getting murdered.
A gun isn't some "ward evil" talisman. If the man got into such a situation where this happened to him, having a gun might not have done much more to help him out. Proper self defense is more about situation awareness and precautionary measures than it is about having a weapon or knowing how to fight. If a man is gonna sucker punch you and then stab you repeatedly, the chances of you being able to use your gun to protect yourself is somewhere on the scale between "zero" and "probably jack shit."
Except 1) if he doesn't know how to use situational awareness, his gun is useless and 2) if he did not have a gun and still knew how to exercise situational awareness, he could modify his behavior to keep himself from being a target and/or discourage the man from attacking. Guns are a last resort and if you don't know the proper steps and techniques to avoid confrontations before they escalate then I can pretty much guarantee you that your gun is useless to you.
And maybe if the black dude had a gun they would all be dead.