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comment by elizabeth

How do you make your money? Did you have any saved up, do you freelance or do you work in Tokyo? Planning on traveling when I finish university so any input on how to sustain that would be appreciated

Cortez  ·  3250 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think the most crucial part of all of this was my father is a financial advisor, I never owned a car, and my town had nothing in it.

I had managed to save up all my life, money I had been given to spend with friends, birthday money, christmas money, all of my life. When I was young my father had taken notice that I was saving a lot and made a savings account where he started putting it back for me, he began managing that money and as I got older it became sort of a hobby to see it grow, made me feel good. As a graduation gift he matched what I had saved and gave me the account to do with what I please.

That being said, it was surely enough to take care of myself for awhile, not enough to sustain myself indefinitely, and my dad knew that with my other plan I would have drained that pot completely. And as of this year I have drained it but I lasted much longer on it than I thought I would have. When I saw the end coming I got a part-time job teaching English and I am currently working on some side projects to start saving up again.

One thing a friend of mine asked me was why I didn't spend it on college, why spend it on a language school, and the truth is I have more of a chance of getting into college with a scholarship here in Japan for being a white male english speaker than I did in America. I would have rather given this the opportunity than have been trapped in Georgia spending that money on a small college.
