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comment by humanodon
humanodon  ·  3267 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Write a poem. Here. Now. Don't think about it. Just do it. NOW!

  Other than train sounds, only the hefty French couple speak.
  Only in America, only in the stumbling culture of American singles
  can one find the bananomalous--
  Sometimes a gluten-free veggie burger tastes best on white bread with mayo
  and sometimes keeping halal means having a drink at work once in a while.
  It's weird that everyone wears running shoes in Boston, even if they've never run from anything,
  even if the marathon is that toothless life.
  "Good morning sir, how's your radio?"  It doesn't matter, no one is talking and everyone is listening for the mechanical moments of silence.