It's fantastic. My wife listened and said, "it's beautiful." and then followed with "it could be a hit." The "beautiful" thing she has said about maybe..... 3-4 of the hundreds of songs I have written. The "hit" thing, zero till now.
I really like the interpretation. You took what was a bridge/interlude and made it the verse. It works. I love the build of it, the dynamics etc. I love the instrumentation you added and the melodies. You are a talented guy randomuser and I'm glad you are participating in these. I'm officially a fan of your work.
My only criticism would be the ending. It needs a more abrupt ending and not the introduction of the guitar etc. Your version is such a nice composition and it's pretty tight and then goes all loose at the end.
I think it should end at "bruises that I leave." As sung sans music but with the lyric "behind" echoing after. -just my two cents.
Dude, you should link to some of your music, I'd like to hear what you do.
Again, great work! I loved it.
I'm glad you and your wife liked it. The ending is just something I kind of do a lot of the time with tracks I'm working on and have really wonky intros and outros lol. Sort of a Trent Reznoresque trait of my composition.
I haven't really posted any personal stuff like my soundcloud because I've been trying to keep low key/not make a fool out of myself over here as it's insoms place to hang out so just trying to be respectful of the girlfriend and her space haha. But here's my