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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3330 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why the real story of the Irish exodus to America isn't taught in schools

Less-than-fun Fact: The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, the biggest baddie in contemporary politics, wanted to give 10,000 Pounds to the Irish to help with the famine... but cut it back to 1,000 pounds because that's all the Queen donated and he didn't want to start a political row.

Why Drogheda, Ireland has a star and crescent on their crest

    The bra report included the transcript of a letter, now stored in Istanbul’s Ottoman archives, in which a host of Irish gentry and clergy thanked Abdülmedjid i for his generosity. The text of the highly stylized document, written on vellum and decorated with shamrock-and-heather motifs, commends the Sultan for aiding “the suffering and afflicted inhabitants of Ireland,” and “displaying a worthy example to other great nations in Europe.” Flattered by the letter, Abdülmedjid i reportedly responded: “It gave me great pain when I heard of the sufferings of the Irish people. I would have done all in my power to relieve their wants.... In contributing to [their] relief, I only listened to the dictates of my own heart; but it was also my duty to show my sympathy for the sufferings of a portion of the subjects of her Majesty the Queen of England, for I look upon England as the best and truest friend of Turkey.”