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comment by coffeesp00ns

    The images you show are characters in video games, not expectations of reality.

Thanks to the magic of Photoshop, those "escapist fantasies" become what is professed to be reality.

    Also, skinny women with large breasts are attractive. Large, built, muscled men are attractive.

This hasn't always been the case, nor is it explicitly the case for anyone now. "Beauty" is more likely to be defined from a ratio than anything else. Hence why Kim Kardashian and Hayden Panettiere look nothing alike but are both considered attractive.

    I can/could say the exact same phrase, but copy paste feminism right in there.

I pretty much did.

    Nah, if you knew me on hubsi I imagine you would already have me muted and hushed.

The only people who I have muted and/or hushed are people who are blatantly advertising products. Other than that it is completely vacant. You assume a lot about me as a person, I think.

As I said at the end of my post, I'm at a point where the cost/benefit analysis of time put into comments is just totally futile. I have way too many other things to do with my life. The amount of research to make sure I'm not falling all over myself, plus time writing, fact-checking, is not worth it. For instance, I found out while researching for this comment that people routinely assert that Marilyn Monroe was bigger than she is, though she still would probably be somewhere around a size 6 (though there is one dress she wore in a famous movie that is a Size 2.

I did not need to know this information.

bioemerl  ·  3358 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Photoshop is not video games, and video games do not depict people who exist in real life. If you want to blame magazines for cutting images of real life people down to size, you should do so, but video games do not depict reality.

    This hasn't always been the case, nor is it explicitly the case for anyone now.
So far as I am aware it has been fairly consistent over time. Things do vary slightly with different stupid fashion trends or things like the thigh gap trend, but attractiveness has always been rated in a similar metric to how we do so today. So far as I am aware, at least. Any exceptions are that, exceptions to the larger trend.

    The only people who I have muted and/or hushed are people who are blatantly advertising products. Other than that it is completely vacant. You assume a lot about me as a person, I think.
Eh, I assume that of the people who browse hubski in general. I've gotten to the point where it seems like people will mute for any and every reason.

    For instance, I found out while researching for this comment that people routinely assert that Marilyn Monroe was bigger than she is, though she still would probably be somewhere around a size 6 (though there is one dress she wore in a famous movie that is a Size 2.
I don't even know who that is, honestly, outside of "female movie star".
coffeesp00ns  ·  3358 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I don't even know who that is, honestly, outside of "female movie star".

that's pretty much the important part. also the part about the Alleged affair with JFK, but that's more tangential than anything.

    Eh, I assume that of the people who browse hubski in general. I've gotten to the point where it seems like people will mute for any and every reason.

Dawg, If you're getting muted that often you gotta look yourself in the mirror and be like "Am I the problem?"

bioemerl  ·  3358 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Dawg, If you're getting muted that often you gotta look yourself in the mirror and be like "Am I the problem?"

Kind of hard to tell when the muting tends to be for the singular reason of me saying things others disagree with. I already know why people mute me, I'm stubborn and will sit an argue in circles for three hours. I'm not willing to change that.