Major milestone met two days ago: 100 followers on my blog. As I say in my celebration post, I didn't think I'd get 5, let alone 100. So I'm actually excited to have carved out that tiny little corner of the internet. I don't really promote the site, minus the occasional post on here or Facebook, and those don't usually get much traction anyways. So that makes it an even bigger achievement for me.
I'm honestly not sure. I'm thinking two blog posts a week is a pretty perfect amount for me, so I won't change that, that's for sure. Enough to keep things moving, not enough to overwhelm me.
I think the big change might be me moving to a dedicated server, and maybe try a tiiiiny amount of SEO to bring in a bit more traffic, if only because I think people might actually be interested in what I have to say. I don't know anything about that stuff though, so I'm gonna have to do some research first.