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comment by fr33lunch
fr33lunch  ·  4616 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: Your house is burning down. You can grab one thing.
I'm envious of your journaling. It's something I wish that I had started when I was that age. I do have a few creative writing assignments from school that I'll find after a move and re-read. How different my view was then. How naive, and at the same time, how wise my insights were.

winston  ·  4614 days ago  ·  link  ·  
They are nice to have. It was suggested to me by a teacher. A very good teacher.
fr33lunch  ·  4614 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I've been thinking about writing a lot more lately. Most of the writing I have done in the past decade has been psych papers and other coursework requirements. I'd like to add some punctuation to my memories and inner thinking. I was thinking about starting a blog just for myself to visit from time to time when I need to reflect. Are you aware of any good digital diary? I suppose that MS Word would work, but I'd like the option of reading or writing from any computer or even on my phone if the mood strikes.