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comment by forwardslash
forwardslash  ·  4618 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: Your house is burning down. You can grab one thing.
I can't think of anything I would want to grab over any other thing. I do have two guitars and I used to play them all the time; I played and sang in a band (embarrassingly badly, but hey), spent a ton of time practicing on them, even I serenaded my first girlfriend with them. Being able to play was something I was proud of but now I don't even touch them and my fiancée has never heard me play them. While I spend a lot of time on the internet and with technology everything I own is pretty easily replaced by design. For me, I think this extends to my other aspects of my life as well. Though I've had many good friends I always fall out of touch, and though I like to be involved in online communities I end up leaving or falling away (I just deleted my year and a half old reddit account a few weeks ago).

thenewgreen  ·  4005 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Dude, I forgot that you play the guitar. Between you, me, b_b and mk, we've got the makings of a band. Though b_b and mk both play bass and you really only need one bass player. -We'll make them arm-wrestle for it. Loser gets the tambourine.

thenewgreen  ·  4617 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Thanks for the insight in to the man that is "fowardslash". First off, pick up one of those guitars and play. If it used to bring you joy, I imagine it still will. Singing is fun, in fact I'd say it's innately so. I've spent more time around babies in the last year than I have my entire life combined. One thing that has struck me as amazing is how they are naturally inclined to sing, dance and want to play/listen to music. This is something we talk ourselves out of because we think we are "embarrassingly bad" at. -Screw that. Play and sing for that fiancée of yours. You'll surprise the hell out of her, I'm sure she'd love it.

As for the friends thing, it's a tough one. I am fortunate to have kept in touch with many old friends but time and distance tend to take their toll. What is nice is that we can get together and pick up where we left off. I do think that part of getting older is having a smaller circle of really intimate friends but a larger circle of acquaintances and people you are friendly with.

I'm glad you're on Hubski though, stick around and congrats on the engagement. You're only engaged once (if you're lucky), so enjoy it! You'll be able to call her your wife the rest of your life but only fiancée for a short time.