- In my opinion, Obama has governed as a moderate conservative—essentially as what used to be called a liberal Republican before all such people disappeared from the GOP. He has been conservative to exactly the same degree that Richard Nixon basically governed as a moderate liberal, something no conservative would deny today. (Ultra-leftist Noam Chomsky recently called Nixon “the last liberal president.”)
Saw this opinion a fair amount in '08-'09; it disappeared somewhat as the conservative attack machine revved up; interesting to see it back.
NB: this article is not as long as the scrollbar suggests; it only goes about half the page. Sometimes I see tiny scrollbars when I only have ten minutes to read and skip to the next piece.
He's right of center. Always has been.
Both sides in USA are just the left/right wings of Big Money anyway; political parties are only a smokescreen meant to divide the populace and get them arguing with each other about irrelevant issues like abortion and gay marriage.
Freedom of choice is an illusion - just like The American Dream.
"This is and will be an American Century." -BHO 2014
That's right out of Dick Cheney's book of PNAC rhetoric.
Obama promised HOPE and CHANGE and to reinvigorate the decimated Middle Class by redistributing the wealth. He didn't lie. Now, we have to HOPE that there's more than just CHANGE in our pockets because he redistributed the wealth all right -- even MORE in the favor of the super-rich.
Thanks, Obama!
I agree with everything you wrote. I recently made a comment here that if I could take my vote back in the last election, I would have changed it to a Romney vote. I sincerely believe that it makes little to no difference between the two candidates. However, with Romney I saw a pretty liberal track record in Massachusetts. He would have pleasantly surprised me as opposed to constantly disappointing me.
But yeah, they're all shades of the same color. I'm not accustomed to quoting Chomsky, but this seems about right to me:
- The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....