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comment by _refugee_
_refugee_  ·  3475 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Who do you filter/mute?

There's a hashtag muted? Now will have to explore just to see the drams. THE DRAMS, YO!

caelum19  ·  3475 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The drama was glorius!

The whole muting business was the first major drama since I joined Hubski, did that sort of thing happen often?

_refugee_  ·  3475 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oh, man, there was #askhubski drama at one point. We got a flood of Tidders in and there were a bunch of reposts and a bunch of #askhubski questions that didn't really suit the nature of what I guess general users like #askhubski to be. Someone wrote a post about askhubski and the better angels of our nature - blush that someone might have been me - but it's modeled after an earlier thenewgreen post which also talks about the better angels of our nature. A lot of people unsubbed from askhubski since and I think that alleviated most of the problems, because now these users (which I admit include me) only see asks that are shared, in general, by people whose opinions they value and who are inclined to like what the people they follow share...which of course is the point of following.

There was drama before, too, but I forget what about. I think hubski has drama maybe once every six months. More if there are tidder influxes.

caelum19  ·  3475 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Interesting. did you come in a that Tidder influx, or if not from there at all and is that why you're called "refugee"?

    questions that didn't really suit the nature of what I guess general users like #askhubski to be
I suppose a lot of people from Reddit assume AskHubski to be a replacement for AskReddit, on "The next reddit" which this place is often mistaken for.

EDIT: Crap I just realized I was still quoting with reddit syntax

_refugee_  ·  3475 days ago  ·  link  ·  

puts legs up on footstool by fire. packs pipe (tobaccy, natch), lights, and begins puffing away.

"Aye, yung caelum19, I did indeed wender here from afair, an' frem ferther t'an ye ken, perhaps. Aye, I'a spent me days in t'e depths o' tidder, 'n' afore dat I came from a place they called Digg. 'N' afore dat I spent me tame in de forums of eld, da t'ain't get nae updates nae more; t'was a place named Bash, y'see, n' but I blush t'admit I left a purple link or twain in Ebaum's Circus Werld, 'n' all'o dat."

Translation: digg. _refugee_ crawled out of the trenches of digg and that's where the name comes from, haha.

I agree with your assessments about replacements and "the next [blank];" that seems to be about what the problem is.

caelum19  ·  3474 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That was hillarious, you should do more old-story-telling-man impressions. The whole world should do more old-story-telling-man impressions. Old-story-telling-man should be the only way people speak.

starts sharpening a stick while singing country music