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comment by mk
mk  ·  4478 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Tinkering with the Pillars of Creation
This is the best. I just posted two days ago about the 'surreality' of nebula:


I love journeys into unfathomable scales. It's just such a wonder that we can look up and see something like this. This is no more real than we are. If anything it is more real, as they were there long before us.

And yet, they are no longer there!!!

The Pillars of Creation no longer exist. In 2007, astronomers announced that they were destroyed about 6,000 years ago by the shock wave from a supernova. Because of the limited speed of light, the shock wave's approach to the pillars can currently be seen from Earth, but their actual destruction will not be visible for another millennium.

Where is the fish!? :)